In the Quiet Before the Storm

Disclaimer! Seimaden is the property of You Higuri and Asuka comics. No infringement was intended!

Asubaru gently set the unconscious body of Rod onto the bed. "Rabi," he said over his shoulder. "Help the landlady with the girl." Asubaru had only intended on getting Rod to safety, but he could hardly leave the girl. She was also unconscious, but didn't seem to be injured. She'd wake up soon, he was sure. But Rod had been injured and needed his attention.

'Why did you try to go up against Rauresu,' he silently asked Rod. 'That was very stupid. If I didn't have that safeguarding ki around you, you would have been dead now.'

He carefully undressed Rod and checked his limbs for any broken bones. Seeing that there weren't any breaks, he started taking care of the few wounds that Rod had received during the fight. Thankfully, they weren't bad. Being Azaru's chosen one had it's advantages. It could have been much worse. A smile played on his lips. 'It's not nice making me worry like this, Rod. I think you earned the teasing that I'm going to give you.'

As he dressed the wounds, he began to think. Just what was Rauresu doing in the human world? It had been many years since he had set eyes on the demon, but Asubaru knew him. He remembered him well, though he doubted that Rauresu knew him. He knew that Rod remember the man who had destroyed his people. His mother. Rod had talked often enough about the demon that took everything from him. He may have been a small child, but Rod remembered well. 'Would he remember me, though, if I didn't hide behind this mustache? Would he know I was the boy who comforted him, while he watched his mother's body floating in the pond?'

He looked back at the door and nodded with satisfaction. Rabi was nowhere in sight. Or should he think of the child as Maruka? He knew that woman had taken control of the child's body. Disgusting! Maruka was definately Kaimei's child! Like father, like daughter. Forcing their beliefs and wishes on others. Making others do what they themselves were unable to do. He wondered if Maruka knew who he was. If she knew he was the demon child born of their fallen priestess? Did she sense his ki? Did Rauresu sense it? Did either of them know about his power? He could only hope they didn't. He didn't want to show his hand too soon. He'd reveal himself when the time was right, and not a moment before.

Finished with dressing the wounds, Asubaru covered Rod with a blanket. 'Kaimei, I'll never let you have him. I don't give a damn about you or the Azaru. He's a child.' His fingers traced the outline of Rod's face. 'And...he's all I have.' His eyes changed, becoming the eyes of a demon. 'Even if I have to fight you in hell, you won't get him, Kaimei!'

His eyes changed back to looking human, as he forced himself to calm down. He didn't need Maruka sensing anything. And he was sure she would if his demon side presented itself. He rubbed his forehead. Damn Maruka. Damn Kaimei. Damn the Azaru. And damn Rauresu for setting off this whole disastrous chain of events. He sighed. Yet, as much as he hated to admit it, if it hadn't been for Rauresu, neither he, nor Rod would be here. Although he didn't care whether or not he had ever been born, this world would be a sad place without Rod in it.

Asubaru sat on the bed and stroked Rod's hair. Reddish hair, like his mother's. Whereas Asubaru had the black hair of his father. But it was better that way. That way, no one would be able to guess. Especially not Rod. Perhaps, someday Asubaru would tell him the truth, but not now. For now, let Rod think that he was just a gay guy who was attracted to him. He'd learn who Asubaru really was, one of these days. When Rod was ready. He still had some growing up to do.

Asubaru leaned forward and kissed Rod on the forehead. He then touched his forehead against Rod's and closed his eyes. A fond smile formed on his face. 'I love you, Rod. Perhaps more then you'll ever realise. You are my everything.'


Asubaru sat up and looked at the door. The girl was standing there staring at them. Asubaru smiled. "Ah. I see you're awake. I trust you are well?"

"Um. Hai, I'm fine, arigato. Will he be okay?"

"He'll be fine." He stood and bowed to her. "My name is Asubaru. I'm a friend of Rod's. And you are?"

"Hilda. Hilda Hildaguard."

'Ah,' Asubaru thought. 'So this is the Hilda that Rod's been after. Very pretty. He has good taste.' "If you are well enough, could I escort you home, Hilda?"

"Hai. Arigato, Asubaru-san."

Asubaru laughed. "You don't need to use 'san'. Asubaru is just fine. Now come, lets get you home."

He paused at the door and looked back at Rod. 'My life belongs to you. I will do whatever it takes to protect you.'

Written by Cind-chan

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